Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
But that's the risk that you take

torstai 11. marraskuuta 2010

You know you have studied abroad in Australia when...

You use "oi" correctly in a sentence and smile
You start a discussion or conversation with "I reckon..."
You consider TimTams a food group
You refer to football as soccer
You feel completely comfortable wearing thongs in a bar/pub/club
..You know what a thong really is
You have even tripped on a rock and broke your thong
You miss having the option of full flush and half flush toilets
You’ve tried Vegemite (once, never again)
You still say "tom-ah-toe" instead of "tom-ay-toe"
You complain if you have more than 2 hours of class a day
You know that tomato sauce is really another word for ketchup
You get angry when the final exams aren't worth 1/2 your grade (so much for slacking during term)
You coordinate your weekends so you don't have to buy more than a "one day pass" for the bus
You still don't get Cricket (but went anyway cos of the beer)
You consider everyone to be your mate
You say thank you to the bus driver when departing
You consider Sundays and Mondays proper party nights (hell any week night for that matter)
You have encountered spiders the size of a small dinner plate - and lived to tell the tale!
You have eaten meat pie
You walk into a shop and before the shop assistant has said anything you ask "How ya goin?"
You consider vegemite sandwiches a standard breakfast item
You’re suffering from severe withdrawal syndromes due to the absence of booze cruises
You use 30+ sunscreen and wonder why you don't get tanned?
You still say sunnies
You keep using the expression "Whatta?"
You've made your profile pic on Facebook of yourself holding a adorable koala at least once.
You have considered at least once to immigrate.
You reckon that all the others cities are nice but the city you have studied in is way better
You're favourite alcoholic drink is Rum&Cola (and you don't even know what a non-alcoholic drink is!)
You never bring anything to eat to the beach, because you’ve experienced the might of the seagull army once
You have snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and/or found Nemo
You insist that the LEFT is the correct side to drive on
You go out at 8 and wonder why you're the first one at the party
and you automatically ask the person at the register how he's doing and he acts suprised that you'd ask such a personal question
You panic whenever you can't find your sunnies
You wonder why you don't get a free mobile phone after a signing a two year contract
You wait a few mins at the tram stop until 6pm so you don't have to validate your 2 hour X 10 metcard twice (only if you lived in Melbourne)

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